in Zeitschriften
- Díaz-Reviriego et al. (2024) Disentangling gender and social difference for just and transformative biocultural approaches. People and Nature, 00, 1–13.
- Díaz-Reviriego et al. (2024) Appraising biocultural approaches to sustainability in the scientific literature in Spanish
- Benavides-Frias et al. (2023) Exploring the “works with nature” pillar of food sovereignty: a review of empirical cases in academic literature
- Ortíz-Przychodzka et al. (2023) Rethinking Economic Practices and Values as Assemblages of More-Than-Human Relations. Ecological Economics, 211 (2023) 107866.
- Benavides-Frias et al. (2022) ¿Importan los ecosistemas para la soberanía alimentaria?: Intergración del pilar ecológico en la literatura académica
- Burke et al. (2022) Indigenous and local knowledge in bicultural approaches to sustainability: a review of the literature in Spanish. Ecosystems and People, 19(1), 2157490.
- Hanspach et al. (2021): Crisis-induced disruptions in place-based social-ecological research ‐ an opportunity for redirection. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 30, 72–76.
- Hanspach et al. (2020): Biocultural approaches to sustainability: A systematic review of the scientific literature
in der Presse
- Díaz-Reviriego, I., & González Hidalgo, M. (2024). They burn silently to deprive us of our lands, of our territories. Revista Nómadas.
- Stefan Ortiz-Przychodzka et al. (2024): Bosques no mediáticos: la destrucción del bosque seco boliviano avanza a toda máquina. El Salto.
- Köpfe der Zukunft: Einheit von Natur und Mensch - Dr. Jan Hanspach erforscht mit seinem Team die biokulturelle Diversität in Agrarlandschaften des Globalen Südens im Projekt BioKultDiv. FONA.
- Ortíz-Przychodzka et al. (2022): En Bolivia, el bosque seco Chiquitano está en grave riesgo de desaparecer. EnvolVert.
- Projekt-Poster
- Blog post: Indigenous Voices
- Podcast: Voces Indígenas Chiquitanas
- Erklär-Video: Biokulturelle Vielfalt
- Tales of our lives with the bees and their honey
- Forschungs-Poster: Body-territory mapping by Chiquitano Indigenous women from Bolivia (EN)
- Forschungsbulletin: Leben und Gebiet. San Juan de Lomerío
- Forschungsbulletin: Leben und Gebiet. Indigener Bezirk 16 de marzo Cordillera