Our partners

We are working together with different regional and international scientific and non-scientific partners

Tierra Logo
Bolivian nGO

TIERRA is dedicated to the search for ideas that contribute to the sustainable rural development of indigenous and peasant communities. TIERRA is our local partner in Bolivia.

Heinrich Böll Stiftung Logo
German NGO

The Heinrich Böll Foundation is a political forum for green ideas and projects and an international network with offices in 30 countries. The collaboration with the Heinrich Böll Foundation includes interactions with the international offices, the joint publication of project results and the organisation of a panel discussion in Germany.

Future Earth Global Research Project

PECS is a Future Earth Global Research Project and is hosted and funded by the Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC). Our project is part of the PECS network as an in-depth case study.

Bioversity International Logo
Global research-for-development organization

Bioversity International is a global research-for-development organization with the vision to harness agrobiodiversity in order to nourish people and sustain the planet.  Together with Bioversity we will develop and implement the global comparative study on how biocultural diversity contributes to sustainability across a range of different farming landscapes in the Global South.


The Museum is a university centre for scientific collections, research and outreach. Its mission is to study and document the biodiversity of the department of Santa Cruz and Bolivia, as well as to educate and train people to promote the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources.


The FCA is a public educational and research institution that contributes to the conservation of biodiversity and the environment through the comprehensive training of biologists and the management of scientific and technological knowledge, in order to respond to the demands of society and the challenges of the biological sciences.

Podcast/ Radio station from Santa cruz

Voces Indígenas Urbanas is a group of young indigenous journalists from Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. Their objective is to inform and educate, through radio, podcasts, social media and different artistic and plural events, about indigenous people’s rights and livelihoods. VIU stand for social justice, environmental sustainability and peaceful cultural coexistence

Bolivian NGO

 Regional Organization of Indigenous Chiquitano Women is a non-profit organisation that was created to watch over women’s rights and unify the Chiquitano people from a perspective of equality and respect.

Grupo Teatral Akaraku

Grupo Teatral Akaraku is a group of artists, musicians, and theater players that have explored the world of Indigenous Guaraní people in Bolivia’s lowlands since 2017. They have lead workshops and theater methods with many communities to explore their history, cultural practices, and territorial relations.