Voces Indígenas

Foto-historias de la Chiquitanía

Since 2021, we have been collaborating with 'Voces Indígenas', a local Indigenous programme on 'Radio Santa Cruz' in Bolivia. We decided to tell small stories, supported by photos that show important and characteristic aspects of the daily life of the Indigenous Peoples of the Chiquitanía and their relationships with their territories. Based on interviews and photos, taken during fieldwork with the Guaraní community 16 de Marzo - Cordillera, and the chiquitano community of San Juan de Lomerío, we started to regularly publish short photo stories on the social networks of Voces Indígenas reaching local audiences mostly in the city of Santa Cruz.

Life in the heart of a Guaraní village in the heart of the Chiquitanía
16 de Marzo - Cordillera